Saturday Social League
Convenor: Lindsey Russell OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, This is a fun league for all curling abilities. $10/Night. Nov. 9, Dec. 7, Jan. 11, Feb. 8, Mar. 15, (5 nights)
Convenor: Lindsey Russell OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, This is a fun league for all curling abilities. $10/Night. Nov. 9, Dec. 7, Jan. 11, Feb. 8, Mar. 15, (5 nights)
(Rescheduled from Oct 27) Ages 9-14, Sundays 1:30-2:30pm for 6 weeks Starts Nov 3, $60 All equipment is provided. Bring Clean indoor shoes. Helmets are recommended. Bring your own (hockey or bike, etc.) or borrow from the club .. limited number available.
Convenor: Lindsey Russell OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, This is a fun league for all curling abilities. $10/Night. Nov. 9, Dec. 7, Jan. 11, Feb. 8, Mar. 15, (5 nights)
Convenor: Lindsey Russell OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, This is a fun league for all curling abilities. $10/Night. Nov. 9, Dec. 7, Jan. 11, Feb. 8, Mar. 15, (5 nights)
Convenor: Lindsey Russell OPEN TO THE PUBLIC, This is a fun league for all curling abilities. $10/Night. Nov. 9, Dec. 7, Jan. 11, Feb. 8, Mar. 15, (5 nights)