Message from the President to the Trenton Curling Club Members
The purpose of this newsletter is to update you on activities, membership numbers, and the financial health of the Club.
The success of the Club is based on the generosity of all our members and is evidenced by the steady increase of new curlers to our club and the impact we have on the community.
It is important to recognize the number of volunteers and the many hours each one has given to the club, not only this year but in the past for as long as I have been a member. Our team of volunteers keep the Club clean, set up the Club (tables, chairs, cables and bar service) to accommodate renters, and to coach new curlers, Juniors and high-school students. In addition, a select few volunteers maintain our aging facilities, thereby saving the Club thousands of dollars each year. Volunteers allowed us to operate on a break-even basis this past year.
Prior to the Covid outbreak we numbered around 100 curlers. Over the past three years, we have increased our membership numbers to well over 150 and we are on track to reaching a total of 200 curlers within the next year or so. In no small measure, this increase has occurred due to the success of the Learn to Curl program over the past three years, and the marketing efforts of our members to get
new curlers into our club.
We are so fortunate to have such a dedicated and competent management team (thanks Sherri and Linda!) and bar staff (thanks Barb and Sandy!) whose efforts – including many voluntary unpaid hours – ensure the efficient and smooth operation of our club. They are to be congratulated, and we should all be grateful for their work which keeps us curling. Also, in my opinion, our Ice Technician is one of the best in the area. Perhaps only a few people truly appreciate how invaluable Neil Harder is to the Club. Neil keeps a watchful eye on our aging building and ice making plant, and his efforts over the past few months helped prevent this season from being cancelled outright.
Fundraising is one of the few things we can do to offset the growing costs of operating the Curling Club. The tremendous work that many fundraising volunteers have done to date and continue to do, makes a huge difference. Your support of fundraising initiatives helps reduce the cost that would otherwise inevitably be handed down to all of us.
Last year, the Executive established a capital fund with the intention of putting money aside for a new ice plant, which will cost somewhere around $300,000.00. Although we now have more than $60,000 set aside in the Capital Fund, we still have some way to go before we can afford a new refrigeration plant. For this reason, I would like to thank all the members that have quietly donated to the Capital Fund beyond the required amount on our registration form.
However, since the Club has had to undertake unanticipated repairs to the plant this season, the Executive wants you to know that this year will be challenging financially. Therefore, if you haven’t yet had the opportunity to donate to the Capital Fund, and you have the means, further donations will help ensure the Club’s ongoing operation. Any donation will be welcome and worthwhile, particularly since the cost and entertainment value of curling is less expensive than many other sporting activities. If you are interested in knowing more about the Club’s performance last year, I invite you to read the 2023-2024 Annual Report, which includes financial statements prepared by the Club’s accountant (on a business basis) and the Club’s Treasurer (on a not-for-profit basis). You can find the Annual Report on the Club’s website at
In closing, I wish each of you the best of the season, and I look forward to seeing you back on the ice in
the New Year!
Bill Russell